Friday, November 20, 2009

Freedom is simply stated.

What has happened in Washington over the past 11 months is disgraceful. I started to feel that we would be moving to a position in our country of a more liberal – albeit centrist position. I continued to have the feeling and the optimism that the greatest strength of the American system was that we understood the concepts of personal liberty and that we embraced the theory of self determination. I also was sure that the American system could endure hardships, misfortune and the temporary mistakes that we made along the road to continued freedom and prosperity. Recently my feelings have changed.

The recent high jacking of our legislative system is not unique, we have seen it before. The bickering and the posturing continue in spite of promises of conciliation and compromise. But I never imagined that the American system would be under the control of such a group of miss guided and inept leadership. To make matters worse, we are moving closer to the governance that we find so oppressive and yes, governance that we broke away from 233 years ago. This Congress is trying to force America into a system of their liking. A system that would reward themselves and their cronies. A system that would do incredible harm to the American economy, the people and ultimately the world. It is a corrupt system designed by power hungry individuals that perpetuates their appetite for even more power.

I am wary whenever I see a group of politician standing together on a podium telling me how wonderful my future will become. This week I watched in disgust as Mr. Reed, Dodd, Schumer told me that their version of the future is wonderful. I remember when this same bunch couldn’t take any of the heat that they created with the financial meltdown and the housing crisis. Did anyone notice that these guys were joined by the junior senator from MN Al Franken? What have these guys ever done in their lives’ that qualifies as meaningful? Franken couldn’t even make me laugh. A couple of weeks before Speaker Pelosi held a similar side show and her cohort included the likes of Charlie Rangel – a pillar of virtue in his own right. We should be thankful that we have this group that are experts on every subject, true visionaries, deep and thoughtful intellects that could be trusted with the future of our economy our country and our freedoms. If you ask me every one of them needs to be booted from their cushy offices – this includes their staffers. I sometime think that they are the force behind all of this mess. I most cases they are more diabolical and sinister because they are always in the shadows and never up front. They fester behind the scenes waiting for the opportunity to throw their weight around and be able to broker some deal for their masters. Every one of them must go home and stay home. Citizen Legislature – HA!

Statesmanship is dead in Washington. This bunch of hypocrites, phonies and thieves would think they should be elevated to the level of truly great Americans. Not in my book. Our founding fathers, the framers of our freedoms and citizens of our fledgling nation laid their lives on the line to defeat the ideals of tyranny, inequality and oppression from the government that they lived under. These people came together to forge a bond of concepts that have endured and have grown to be cherished by us. Today’s scene is very different. These guys are worried about getting home for the holidays, second guessing our military leaders in a time of war, saddling our country with massive dept and remember this- taking a portion of our freedom with them.

Statesmanship was exquisitely exhibited in 3 of our most important documents. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams could tell us about freedom in 1 page. The Constitution is only 4 pages. Mr. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation is 1 page. Why are the ideas of freedom so easily communicated, while deception, lies, corruption and the abrogation of our rights need thousands of pages that try to convince us that this group of pea-brains know what is best for us?